The dark counterpart of Mothra, Battra was created by the Earth itself as a self-defense mechanism - a way to wipe out all of humanity. This 1992 divine moth kaiju is an underrated Godzilla series character who represents the Heisei Series perfectly: inventive monster design, compelling story details, moral complexity, killer multi-stage transformations, and brutal battle ability. And we had a feeling that only Hazen Becker's vivid and eye-popping artwork could do Battra justice.
- Due to licensing restrictions, this item ships to US, Canada, & UK only.
- STYLE: Unisex short sleeve T-shirt
- Officially Licensed
- Printed on our ultra soft black 100% cotton t-shirts
- Featuring Battra's title in Japanese: 破壊魔獣, "Demon Beast of Destruction"
- Includes printed size tag / logo on the inside.
- View images for size guide
- ART BY: Hazen Becker